Ozark Herb & Spice

Dr. Marvin Shipman N.D.

Creating a healthy nation by teaching generations to have compassion on their future health...we are healthy nations

The following is an explanation of the technique we use in our offices:

What we do is a muscle response to the acupuncture or acupressure points in the
body. This is called muscle testing or applied kinesiology. In reality, all we are doing is
using your own electrical system to check itself.

The definition of an acupressure point is where two separate meridians or lines of
electricity in the body cross at a 90 degree angle. They are like little fuses all over the
body and it is actually where an acupuncturist would place a needle for acupuncture
therapy. In reality there are twelve meridians going up and down in our body, extending
vertically, north and south, running side by side, and there are twelve meridians going
around the body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, one just below the
other. Where ever those lines cross in another acupressure point.

Obviously we are not going to check all of those points today but what we are
going to do is check two or three points on each one of those meridians which correlate to
the main organs and nutritional test points of the body. Then the next time you are in we
will expand it from there.

With anyone who has something out of order in their body one of those meridians
is shut down and what we are going to do is find out what meridian is shut down in you
today and then nutritionally feed that meridian and watch it come up and running and
monitor you as the body goes back into balance. We will explain all of that as we
continue this discussion.

The electrical flow we will check for you today is the same electrical flow that a
hospital would check with an EEG or an EKG. Those tests simply check the electrical
flow of the specific part of the body being tested (i.e. the heart or the brain), and what we
are testing is the same electrical flow that the medical doctors are checking using these

The energy flow that we are talking about comes in at the top of the head, flows
through the body comes out the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, circles around
the outside of the body and back in at the top of the head. When that energy or
electromagnetic current is on the outside of the body it's called an aura, you may have
heard of that. Every living thing has an aura whether it is plant, animal or human, we all have it.

It is literally our electrical force, our life force, or our energy however you wish to
state it. We can actually take a picture of it, it's called Kirlian photography. We could
take a picture of you, your cat or dog (if you have one) or a plant and you can see that
aura around each one of those things.

That aura around you, that we can prove exists with the Kirlian photography
camera, is the same energy that we are checking on the inside of you. It is the energy that
we can prove exists with EEG and EKG. It is all the same. It is also the same energy
pattern we are going to fix you with. If you take a picture of any one of the bottles of
herbs in our store with a Kirlian photography camera you would see an energy pattern
around each one of those. Even though the plant or the herb in the bottle is dead, there is
still a live energy field around that herb.

Dr Shipman calls herbal energy "live fragmented human energy", because it is
live energy and we can prove that with Kirlian photography alone. If you consume that
energy in the form of a capsule or tablet, the energy in that supplement is genetically
coded to go to a certain spot on the body, energize that spot, nutritionally feed it and clean
it up because that is what herbs are designed to do. That point will be proven to you by
the end of your appointment.

In other words we are going to show you where your energy shortages are, we will
show you the best energy to feed that spot and then we will show you how it will energize
that spot.

The first thing we will do is check this energy flow. We call it your polarity
because the top of the head is a positive charge. The tops of the hands and tops of the feet
are positive charge, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are negative charge. So
we will check your energy flow, make sure you have it and see if its going in the right
direction. Once we determine the polarity is OK we will begin a muscle response to the
acupressure points in the body. If the muscle response is strong it means that point is ok
or there is energy there. If the point is weak it means there is no energy there and we will
write those down. Our job is to find where the energy is weak.

We will go through the 24 meridians, check two or three points on each meridian
and write down any weak points that we find and when we finish we will explain to you,
nutritionally speaking, what is going on in your system. Then we are going to do a muscle

response to the herbs that we are trying to feed the body.

What we are looking for is a balanced nutritional program. What we mean by
that is we are looking for the right energy to feed all the weak spots on your body and
properly maintain the rest of the system. How we find the right energy to feed those weak
spots is that we take a look at why those weak spots went weak. We will note one of three

First of all, each of the acupressure points is the size of the point of a pin, they are
very small. The second that a point goes weak, or what we call a blown out circuit it goes
to the size of a quarter, and the longer it is weak the bigger it gets, it is actually
consuming energy in that meridian. So one dead short in the system is pulling all the
electromagnetic current out of that meridian to feed that one spot, that acupressure point,
and it will continue to do so until that meridian shuts down or until you feed the right
"live fragmented human energy" to that one spot.

Let’s say that first meridian shuts down, what the body does at that time is look at
the twelve meridians running through that meridian and take the weakest of the twelve
and start pulling the energy out of that meridian. The body will continue to do that until
the second meridian shuts down or until you feed the correct "live fragmented human
energy” to that meridian.

If the second meridian shuts down then there are eleven other meridians for the
body to pull energy from and it will continue to do that until one meridian after another
shuts down - that is called the dying process. That is the bad news, the good news is that
we can feed "live fragmented human energy" to that one point that originally went down
and watch that whole thing come back up and running.

There are three reasons for that original point going weak. What we find most
often is that the energy that is supposed to run through the center of that acupressure point
begins to back up at that spot due to a blockage it will blow that circuit and that place will
be sore or painful.

In the middle of that equation, if the energy runs to one side or the other of the
acupressure point it is called out of balance. There are nutrients that are designed to feed
that spot and balance that energy flow, we call those balancing formulas. The most
popular of these is called body balance but we have many others; lung balance, kidney balance,

Liver balance, water balance, is all balancing formulas.

On the other hand if all the energy leaves that spot then that point will be numb
because there is no energy there at the numb spot there will be a single vitamin, mineral,
herb, or enzyme that is designed solely to put energy at that specific spot. I call those
holding tanks because those are nutrients that we use on an ongoing basis, virtually
minute by minute.  A multiple vitamin would fit that category and a single vitamin,
mineral, herb, or enzyme.

We find a spot that is sore then we use an electrolyte formula, nutrients that
cause the energy to flow through the body (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
sulfur (MSM), trace minerals, glucosamine, chondroitin are all electrolyte formulas that
make the energy flow through the body.

So, depending on what is going on, we will determine the type of nutrient we need
to feed those weak spots, realizing that every point we touch in you today has its own set
of nutrients designed to feed that particular point.

Our job today is to find the weak points in your body and then check the list of
nutrients that are designed to feed that particular spot, and determine the best one for you
because everybody is different. What we are looking for is a balanced nutritional
program. What we mean by that is we are looking for the right energy to feed all the weak
spots on your body and properly maintain the rest of the system.

When you start taking those nutrients, what we are doing is energizing all those
weak spots. When you energize them in this manner what happens is that the body's
electrical current goes back into balance, in other words everything is up and running. All
of those acupressure points, all of those meridians are up and running. When that happens
the system kicks in and starts cleaning itself up on its own and the problems you are
experiencing start to disappear. That's what we are looking for.

The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding you or your child's condition.